Photos 2010
November 22nd, 2010
Here are all the photos of our fOSSa 2010 Edition!
Photos taken by Christina Klein (Engineering Group)
- Qualipso & Spago4Q
- QualiPSo Guy! Alberto Sillitti in Action!
- This guy is terrific : 3D manipulation, Robots, Open Hardware!
- A nice talk? A nice Tshirt!
- Open Source, Open Data, Open Standard
- Chris Aniszczyk from Eclipse / Red hat
- AlpesJug was present !
- Martin Michlmayr from HP & FOSSBazaar! Great talk!
- Emotions Emotions Emotions!
- AspireRFID Community!
- Ross Gardler
- Ubuntu cloud
- Serious discussion before drinking good wine!
- Luc is explaining how has been made the wine (le vin au vert – Grenoble )
- DAY 1 … 11AM .. people are ready to receive the public!
- Community Anti patterns by Dave Neary
- Education Unconference panel – Gabriele Ruffatti Chairman leader!
- Bonita Soft!
- DAY 1 – Engineering & GeoBi are ready to answer questions on the community village
- Second conference hosted at fOSSa
- Social dinner (few … very few pictures only!)
- 3 talks in one day.. he deserves a nice present!
- Bonita Soft!
- OSOR, the EU & Gijs !
- Education – Unconference style panel!
- Open Government!
- Qualipso village: Alberto is ready!
- Jason Van Zyl – MAVEN 3
- Community Management theme
- PLUMES Project
- Chris Aniszczyk from Eclipse / Red hat
- fOSSa animal has found his meal!
- MAVEN 3.0
- Senslab by INRIA
- Control can mean a lot money in FLOSS?
- Nice Engineering forge comparison…
- Gilles Dowek and the importance of teaching FLOSS in schools
- Francois Sillion – Dir. Of the INRIA Rhones Alpes Research Center
- Mr Fiorello Cortiana: We all drink his sentences!
- people eating, speaking, networking…
- Sebastien Campion: a forge champion! really!
- Maven.. Maven and Maven!
- Open hardware we said!
- Qualipso – Davide Dalle Carbonare – 3 talks in the same day!
- Community Village
- Mr Marco Fioretti
- the Free Technology Academia Guys!
- Second conference hosted at fOSSa
- Ralph Mueller is a smiley?
- GeoBi initiative with Engineering & Camp To Camp
- People loves Arduino.. he deserves a nice Tshirt aswell!
- Unconference panel about Development, Research and innovation
- fOSSa = unconference FLOSS ! So anyone ask questions!
- Ralph Mueller from Eclipse
- Open Source, Open Data, Open Standard
- Open Hardware by Arduino!!!!
- “We built this city on open source” (Poznan, Poland)
- IRILL – Research on FLOSS
- OSOR, the EU & Gijs ! Great guy, big hup to his partner :-)
- fOSSa protagonists…
- heu… sorry but where is fOSSa animal?
- oopps this is the invisible fOSSa animal!
- FLOSS Education by Didier Courtaud
- Gilles Dowek – Education
- SNOW on the mountains .. but why I did not brought my skiiies!
- DAY 1 … little by little people arrive….
- Mr Fiorello Cortiana: Open Revolution ;-)
- Education Unconference panel – Gabriele Ruffatti Chairman leader!
- fOSSa in a business school !!! The animal is going to eat them all!
- Eclipse & Red hat well represented with Chris !
- fOSSa Forge Workshop
- What the F#@@#K is happenning with the video?
- Open Hardware by INRIA (Senslab)
- Do you Moddle?
- heu.. where are the rooms?
- GeoBI initiative : Very active community!
- Martin Michlmayr from HP & FOSSBazaar! Great talk!
- Bikeshield?
- Mr Fiorello Cortiana: We all drink his sentences!
- Community Village
- Qualipso Quality tooling suite
- Obama? Leader?
- PLUMES//// Check this out!
- Unconference panel
- Qualipso Quality tooling suite
- Oliver Berger .. big fusion forge contributor!
- Laurent Cailleux did a great presentation of Trusted Bird!
- Robots… 3D images… Open Hardware
- Vincent Quint talking about Open Standards
- Open Government!
- Roberto Di Cosmo: He loves FLOSS!